M.I Abaga Takes On New Signee During Concert

M.I Abaga was so impressed with Young Incredible, that he signed him for a one-year internship.

First impressions do matter! M.I Abaga just took on a new signee during his stage performance at the Star Music Trek concert holding in Abuja.
The Chocolate City Music CEO, offered the new act, Young Incredible, a one-year internship deal in his label.
M.I and Young Incredible on stageplay
M.I and Young Incredible on stage
Young Incredible was introduced to the rapper at the event holding at the Old parade ground, Garki, Vanguard reports.
Midway through M.I's performance, the upcoming rapper was invited on stage to rap by the MC of the event, Gbenga Adeyinka, and he succeeded in winning the Choc City Boss' heart.
Young Incredible freestyled much to the amazement of the thrilled crowd, impressing M.I so much so that he offered the internship.
The budding act would be considered for a full signing contract which depends on his performance after the one year period.



M.I Abaga Takes On New Signee During Concert M.I Abaga Takes On New Signee During Concert Reviewed by Mrcool on 06:53:00 Rating: 5

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