Obama Celebrates Gay Marriage Rulling

Obama Celebrates Gay Marriage Rulling

Yesterday’s much praised US Supreme Court decision to make gay marrriage legal in the United States of America has triggered wild jubilation and tears of joy across the country.
The US Supreme Court had in a landmark rulling yesterday said the Constitution requires
all 50 states to carry out and recognize marriages between people of the same sex.
The US President, Barack Obama has come out and praised the ruling as “a victory for America.”
The new rulling marks a fresh coup for the White House, coming a day after the Supreme Court upheld an important and disputed section of Obama’s signature health care reform.
“Today we can say in no uncertain terms that we’ve made our union a little more perfect,” Obama said at the White House, which was later lit up in the rainbow colors of the gay rights movement.
“This decision affirms what millions of Americans already believe in their hearts — when all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free.”
This new rulling had many supporters and members of LGBT community cheering, dancing and shouting USA, USA, USA in the streets.
The new Supreme Court decision has finally legalized Gay Marriage in all states of the union bypassing all the state laws.
Obama Celebrates Gay Marriage Rulling Obama Celebrates Gay Marriage Rulling Reviewed by Mrcool on 14:24:00 Rating: 5

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